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Almost Braulio’s Beans

Almost Braulio’s Beans

This is a highly-modified version of the black beans that Braulio used to make for Mickey's brunch when he had time. Being the frugal Mexican that he is, he would use dried beans, soaked overnight, and twice-cooked them; his were also vegan. I...

Three-Ingredient* Tomato Soup 🥫

Three-Ingredient* Tomato Soup 🥫

This is a quick side, a lifesaver on a cold winter day, and we can't be friends if you don't have the ingredients available in your pantry (actually, I don't care for it when folks make that exclamation, so we can still be friends, regardless)....

How-to Corn 🌽

How-to Corn 🌽

Sweet corn stands on back highways are the epitome of summertime in Wisconsin. Ears and ears stuffed in a brown paper bag for $6. You'd be silly not to get some, cook, and freeze it for January when the mere thought of wearing shorts gives ya chills. Woodman's has...

Salade Niçoise

Salade Niçoise

This is an amalgamation of several Niçoise salad recipes and, since it requires many dishes and methods, it gets five eggplants for difficulty. I was recently talking to the fella about rating the recipes and timing and how to get everything in...

Easy-Peasy Cheesy-Quichey

Easy-Peasy Cheesy-Quichey

We'd been having migas each weekend day for breakfast for a while, so I thought we could mix it up for the long weekend (also, I had only thought to buy two poblanos instead of three). I scoured the blueprint of the fridge in my brain to come up...

Fried Catfish Sammies

Fried Catfish Sammies

Chrissy Teigen's Cravings was a gifted cookbook that I honestly didn't think much of at the time (it's a pretty decadent cookbook—the mac 'n' cheese has nearly 10 cups of dairy), because I was doing Gwennie's detoxes, trying to eat more raw...

Chicky Enchiladas I gave these two eggplants because I used my Instant Pot to infuse the chicken with flavor. If you have shredded chicken or need to use some up that's already cooked, this is definitely a one-eggplant...

Adult Mac ‘n’ Cheese

Adult Mac ‘n’ Cheese

I guess the only thing that makes this "adult" is that it's not made with cheese powder. And it doesn't come from a pre-packaged box. And it uses mascarpone. Okay, so many things make this adult, especially the bread crumbs on top. And pats of...

Coconut Curry Chicken

Coconut Curry Chicken

While this is nearly the same as the Coconut Curry Whitefish post, I didn't feel like I should simply make an addendum to that one because the chicken requires more prep and cook time, which means it gets an extra eggplant on the easy-rating...

How-to Mango 🥭

How-to Mango 🥭

I mentioned in my avocado post that I wished someone would have told me how to mango much earlier in life. If you're in the same boat, please keep on reading. The first tip I learned was to locate the dimple. This tells you where the pit lays inside, in relation to...

Eggplant = Easy

Eggplant = Easy

I am so excited about this! I decided that my recipes need an easy way to communicate how difficult (or easy) they are. So, I wrote a WordPress plugin. A plugin which will display a number of eggplants that equals the level of effort, knowledge, ingredients, and tools...

How-to Avo 🥑

How-to Avo 🥑

I remember the first time I figured out how to deal with a mango. It wasn't that long ago, and I wish that I'd had read someone's post much earlier in life. This is my version of that non-existent post but in avocado form. You start by cupping the aguacate with your...

Spiralized Beets and Scallops

I have an indescribable infatuation with Gina Homolka and her SkinnyTaste cookbooks (and blog). Well, maybe it is describable and I will attempt to do so here. I own three of her four cookbooks and they all sport a billion post-it flags. This is...

Coconut Curry Whitefish

Coconut Curry Whitefish

We put this on the weekly dinner list (more on that later) and I was a little apprehensive because, well, fish. Thankfully, this dish hits on all points and the real star here is the curried broth. I modified the recipe from Christopher Kimball's...

Shrimpy Tacos

Shrimpy Tacos

This is another easy dish that we tend to reserve for (Taco) Tuesdays. Frozen, unpeeled shrimp is the way to go. Grab a 1 lb. bag the next time you're at the market; this will be enough for two with some shrimp leftover. Or for seconds. Thaw the...

Baked Orzo with Mozz

Baked Orzo with Mozz

I started this blog with the intention of sharing recipes that I really like from cookbooks that I have but there are rules about sharing methods since they belong to the author of said recipe. You can find the ingredients and instructions on a...

Review: GreenPan 4.5-qt Sauté Pan

Review: GreenPan 4.5-qt Sauté Pan

I was not paid or otherwise compensated for this review. A million years ago, I bought a cheap Kitchenaid cookware set because I was a poor college kid who'd rather spend her student loan on sushi dinners, acrylic paint, and vellum (I was going to school for Graphic...

Turkey Burglers!

Turkey Burglers!

We made these for dinner last night and when I woke up this morning, I said to the fella, "I have to post these next because The People need to know." We've been using the organic ground turkey* from Costco for these and I've found that...

“Migas” Means Crumbs

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Though, for me, that only applies to weekends and leisurely days off work. As a result, we take our end-of -fast pretty seriously in this house. The fella is really good at cooking scrambled eggs....

Roasty Chick and Veggies

Roasty Chick and Veggies

I've had the Pampered Chef Shallow Baker (NLA) for almost two years now and, while I haven't baked anything in it, I use it exclusively for roasting. When only feeding one person was the goal, I would roast everything in the pan together, letting...